It's not just Eggs and the Easter bunny

It's not just Eggs and the Easter bunny
3 Apr 2017

Easter Celebrations are nearly upon us, and Semana Santa (the Spanish celebration) is very important in Spain.

The Spanish people are very passionate when it comes to their culture, food and traditions. One of the best times to see this and celebrate in an important fiesta is at Easter. The celebrations begin on Palm Sunday and continue through the week until Easter Sunday.

Thousands of people line the streets, they watch in silence, as the noise of marching feet fills the air and the only light you see is from the lanterns which they are marching by. The spectacle is very dramatic and emotional to watch.

Watching the celebrations, it is a fitting reminder that Easter is not just about eggs and the Easter bunny. Here in Spain the people celebrate Easter week with more dignity than many other countries around the world. It is one of the most important events in the Christian calendar and here they treat it with the respect it deserves.

In the processions of Semana Santa the people carry enormous statues of saints, on floats or wooden platforms; they have been lovingly created over the years by great artists over the centuries.

The atmosphere particularly around the time of the crucifixion is that of mourning, which to onlookers may seem oppressive, many of the penitents walk with hooded cloaks with just slits for their eyes.

The mood changes come Easter Sunday and Monday, for the celebrations of the resurrection of Christ, with church bells ringing through the whole of the country, music becomes more cheerful and sweets are thrown to children in the crowd.

Visit: for full details of the parades in Orihuela City.

Many local businesses and commercial centres hold events and entertainment for the public over the Easter period, events for children, bands and entertainment.

The weather is warm and the sun in shining so what better time to come and experience Easter here on the Costa Blanca.


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